May 09, 2005

Best you might've missed (and a note to new readers) If you've just joined us, welcome! We've gotten hits from recent links on various blogs, and the T+D and Learning Circuits blogs are now linked to on the ASTD homepage (under Publications). To all who are new here, glad you stopped by! I hope you find the content useful. Not long after I started the original T+D Blog, I began a weekly section listing links to the most interesting or useful articles and resources I came across on the web that week. In my job as news editor for T+D, I read a ton of online articles, blogs, newsletters, and so forth. I use a handy tool called Furl to save the links I think readers might be interested in and post the list each Friday. Here is this week's list. Hope you find something (or things) worthwhile to read on it. Organizations "Change or Die." This article from Fast Company is making a big splash. The author uses scientific research on heart disease patients to explain why change is so hard for people and organizations. "Flexibility Key to Retaining Women." An excerpt from Harvard Business Review says that "employers need to take into account women who take a temporary 'off ramp' from their careers." "Wicked Problems: Naming the Pain in Organizations." Wicked problems are a new problem variety, the author says, and we're trying to solve them using old tools. New Evidence of the Power of Informal Groups. The Future of Work Weblog reports on a study saying that "informal groups that developed around informal experts and communicated openly about a problem generally outperformed formal experts who were attacking the same issue." E-Learning "Some Principles of Effective E-Learning." This popular article from Stephen Downes boils it down to three things: interaction, usability, relevance. "Portals: Enabling On-Demand Education." "To help unify knowledge, process delivery, culture and people, a portal should serve as a productivity engine for the global workplace..." "How to Select a Content Developer." Although this article was written by the chairman of a supplier company, it provides vendor-neutral, practical tips. "A Simulating Metrobus Experience." This article from the Washington Post describes the simulation technology used to train bus drivers. "The Effects of Facilitation on Cognitive Restructuring in Online Discussion." A report on a study that "compared the effects of system-initiated (low-level) facilitation with that of facilitator-initiated (high-level) facilitation on cognitive restructuring and learning achievement." Brain research "Dome Improvement." Wired magazine takes a look at why IQ scores are rising around the world.
Mimeo offers scholarship to ASTD International Conference Want to go to our International Conference and Exposition but just can't come up with the funds? I received a press release telling me that, "the leading provider of online print services for the training industry," is offering to cover expenses for one lucky scholarship winner for the conference taking place June 5-9. That includes not only registration (up to $1375) but also travel and hotel expenses (up to $2000). Interested? Here's how to win: "To enter the scholarship contest, simply send an email to [email protected] and, in 500 words or less, tell us about your role and select one of the following topics: a) Your most horrific printing-related story: What was the most frustrating or embarrassing experience that you ever had regarding the printing and distribution of your training materials? Humor and detail count! b) Why is the Trainer's Best Friend: How has made you more effective in your job and made your life easier when it comes to the printing and distribution of your training materials?" The application deadline is May 20, 2005 and the winner will be announced on May 25, 2005. Everyone who submits a valid entry will receive a $50 coupon towards a future print order with Mimeo. Caveat from the company: "All submissions become the property of, and you give permission to use your statements in future marketing campaigns. So please get your manager's approval, if necessary, to submit the entry and go to the conference if you win!" Caveat from me: This contest is not sponsored in any way by ASTD and I'm not endorsing it, just passing along the info.

T+D Blog

The T+D blog covers training, learning, business, and technology topics as well as relevant content from ASTD (the American Society for Training and Development) publications and services.

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